Snow…Ash…. What’s next for Europe?

As we have all heard, Europe is a no fly zone because of Eyjafjallajokull constantly erupting. Even more worrying is the fact that the last time it erupted, it did so for 2 years nonstop. The one good thing from this experience, is that more and more business are seeing the value of having the core application in the cloud.(Not the ash cloud). With cloud computing, we enable businesses to keep functioning, regardless of the weather, or Natural disaster in this case. We saw this before with the UK snow storms. Operation managers, Financial staff, sales people where all stuck at home. Some UK companies where asking employees,, to make up their time off by working extra hours when the weather had cleared. All of this can be averted with SaaS applications like Connect 2 Field, Xero, Saasu Capsule ect. If indeed this eruption last for 2yrs, what is UKs contingency plan on transit, deliveries, mail. Is it time to bring back the titanic’s to keep businesses running, or can everyone still work where ever they are. ..? Hmmm.

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